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Why Have an Important Insurance Policy When You Are Single?

Single or single status means you are still unmarried and have children who have to think of additional costs if something happens. At this time many people considered that protection in the form of insurance was not needed.

Even though at this time you still need protection for emergencies such as illness and death. Especially if you have a parent or sister to bear.

Of course there are various things behind the decision of singles not to have insurance. Next, we will describe what is the reason why they have insurance or not. As well, we will explain the importance of insurance when you are single, and how to choose a policy according to priority.

The topic this time will be limited to health insurance and life insurance.

Why are many single people who don't want insurance?

As mentioned earlier, there are various factors underlying a person's decision to take insurance or not. Here are some factors that cause many single people in Indonesia who do not have insurance.

#1 Still living with parents
#2 Do not have dependents
#3 Income is still small
#4 Insurance from the office is provided

Of the four reasons above, what are the main factors that make you not have insurance?